Why FRP Pools?


less cost

Cost savings

Lower initial cost, lower maintenance cost and lower repair cost when compared to concrete pools.


less maintenance

Maintenance considerations

FRP Pools are easy to maintain, washing cleaning the pool is easy.


efficient installation

Installation insights

FRP pools are easy to install and takes less than half the time compared to traditional pools

Fiberglass swimming pools over traditional swimming pools.

Equipment needed for swimming pool

Swimming pool started kit


Filtration System
1 Pressure multigrade sand filter, MOQ: Bobbin Wound FRP 1 no
4 kgs pressure, 6m3 flow per hour @ 45 m 3 velocity
6 way multiport valve with pressure gauge
2 Multigrade filtration media 1 no
3 Pool pump with hair lint stainer, MOQ: ABS 1 no
1 HP, 0.75 kw, 6m3 flow
Pool nozzles and accessories
1 Pool eyeball jets, MOQ: ABS 3 nos
2 Pool overflow box with skimmer basket system 1 no
3 Pool vacuum system 1 no
Pool plumbing @ 10ft from pool
1 2″ and 1.5″ piping with valve, UPVC/CPVC, unions, fittings 1 lot
Pool cleaning kit
1 Vacuum hose, vacuum head, handle, brush, leaf rake 1 lot
Pool lighting (Optional)
1 12v underwater light, IP68, resign filled 8w white 4 nos
2 Light driver 1 unit
1 Installation charge, testing and training

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